The History of World Expositions

The Barcelona 1929-1930 World Exposition

Year: 1929
City: Barcelona
Country: Spain
Duration: 20 May 1929 - 15 January 1930

Copyright: Barral i Altet 1992, S. 123

The opening ceremony

"At the end of the religious celebration, the Royal couple, accompanied by the entire court, transferred in a number of automobiles to the National Palace. This was already packed with those invited to the opening ceremony. In the background of the great Festival Hall the Royal throne stood on an estrade covered with exquisite carpets. The rear wall was hung with the exquisite carpets from the Royal Palace. Embroideries of the Coats of Arms of the Spanish provinces looked down from the upper gallery. (...) The prime minister, Don Miguel Primo de Rivero, referred (in his speech) to the legend of the backwardness of Spain and said the best arguments to counter such prejudgements were the marvellous expositions organised by Spain in Seville and Barcelona with such diligence. He emphasised the spiritual importance of such events and pointed out that they also reflected the principles of discipline and hard work which formed the foundation of greatness for all people. The speaker than declared that the present king of Spain was chosen by God, and would serve as Spain's leader in its renaissance. His presentation ended with the words that the enthusiasm of all should confirm the success of this national effort.

Subsequently their majesties, lead by a division of the Halberdeers and accompanied by their courtiers, the government and officials, moved to the balcony of the National Palace. To the ovations of the more than 300,000 onlookers who flooded the stupendous alleys and beautiful walkways of the exposition, His Majesty the king spoke in a voice fitting the occasion: "The International Exposition in Barcelona 1929 is opened herewith!" Source: International Exposition 1929
Catalogue Barcelona 1929, pages 13-15

Alfredo Baeschlin: The Spanish village
"It is a story of civilian building skills, which seeks its equal, and whosoever wishes to study the various regional styles of the peninsula without troublesome journeys and in an as short as possible a time now has the opportunity to peruse this history of architecture. It is a sure guide. (...) The main characteristic of this creation is the seeming ease of the interplay of the various regions. In its whole it is more than single examples of typical buildings placed next to one another; it is the design of entire squares, enchanting corners, stair entrances, roads perfectly reproduced with all their curves and height differences. (...) Luckily, the architects have managed to avoid that which would be purely theatrical, which could have appeared as if part of a stage set. The replication of the facades is almost obsessive in its loyalty, making it very difficult to recognise whether the whole is fact or fiction."
Source: Deutsche Bauzeitung, 63, 1929, pages 502 and 504

Preface to exposition catalogue Seville 1929

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Open every Sunday from 11 to 16