The Participants


A patchwork of fabrics and styles

Nation: Nigeria
National Day: 26.10.00



The bright colours of the fabrics on the façade of the Nigerian pavilion are a charming contrast to the terracotta of the Haussa domes. An arched grid construction made from steel forms the roof of the square exhibition rooms. They are lined with old and modern fabrics from the different regions of the country. The art of weaving can be traced back more than one thousand year in Nigeria.

Beside the Haussa buildings, which were traditionally made from wood and clay, different regional styles can be observed in portals, round arches and pedestals tapering towards the bottom.

Two exhibitions, "Faces of Nigeria" and "Pictures from Nigeria", document the national and democratic rebirth of the country with the highest number of different peoples in Africa.

EXPOSEEUM - The Museum of World Exhibitions, Hanover, Expo Plaza 11
Open every Sunday from 11 to 16