The Participants


Crystal clear Lakes in an impenetrable Jungle

Nation: Dominica
National Day:



The inhabitants of Dominica themselves have dubbed their island "Adventure Island". Here, the main adventure is travelling. The streets are rather like rough paths which wind through the rain forest, rising higher and higher, taking your breath away ... they lead over pot-holes, through mud and road-metal. They pass by 60-metre-high trees and through the volcano. There is water everywhere you look: crystal clear lakes, hundreds of waterfalls and brooks. They lead to ocean coves surrounded by palm trees on black lava beaches.

Dominica is the oldest of the Caribbean islands. At its exposition, part of the contribution by the CARICOM (Caribbean Community) nations, visitors can hear water roaring. The island's forests, birds and plants are pictured on long pieces of cloth. Slides of the national parks and the Indian natives are shown on both sides of a Caribbean hut. Some 500 of the island's original inhabitants have retreated to a remote reservation where they earn a living as fishermen and basket-weavers.

EXPOSEEUM - The Museum of World Exhibitions, Hanover, Expo Plaza 11
Open every Sunday from 11 to 16