The Participants

United Arab Emirates

Tradition and Modernity

Nation: United Arab Emirates
National Day: 07.08.00



Water and sand, sea and desert have been determinants of life in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) from time immemorial. It was easier to earn a living from maritime commerce, fishing and pearldiving along the almost 800-kilometre coast than in the scorching inland regions, where only scattered oases let anything flourish. The sea and the desert then yielded a precious treasure: oil - extracted in the desert and off the coast - made the UAE rich within a very short space of time. In just 30 years they have developed a highly modern infrastructure and, at the same time, made every effort to preserve values and traditions.

The pavilion of the Emirates, which is modelled on an old desert fort, has the motto "From tradition to modernity". It shows how the Emirates are preparing for the future. State-of-the-art energy technologies will exist when oil resources run dry and irrigation will make the desert agriculturally utilisable.

Idea for children and teenagers: Tattoo art from the United Arab Emirates? In a hut in the entrance area, children can have their hands henna-painted by Arabic women entirely wrapped in black. In the circular cinema children and teenagers go on a spectacular trip through the sheikhdom including shots of camel rides and falconry in the desert.


Sample the delights of Arabia in the desert fort

"Nakhi" - chickpea soup

"Halva" - typical sweet made from sugar, nuts, rosewater, cardamom and saffron

Smoke a water-pipe (various flavours available, e.g. apple)

EXPOSEEUM - The Museum of World Exhibitions, Hanover, Expo Plaza 11
Open every Sunday from 11 to 16