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Myths based on jade and jaguars
The rain forest and two world oceans exert a significant influence on life in Central America. Just how important the forest and sea are for Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua is demonstrated in their exhibition in Hall 21. Since the early 90´s these five countries have co-operated to achieve ecological and economic development.

The section of the exhibition entitled "Jungle and Ocean" features Central America's untouched nature. After having crossed a virtual ocean the visitors arrive at the roots of a huge tree in a jungle full of animals and plants.

Another section of the exhibition is dedicated to mankind and its relationship with nature. In a historical pyramid, built by indigenous tribes, mythological tales tell of jade, the precious stone, and the jaguar, a wild animal. In the reproduction of a volcano, the countries provide information on volcanic eruptions, the natural heat of the earth and on tourism. At a market one can buy coffee and papayas and watch cigar rollers at work.

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