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A pavilion made of recycled paper
Japan's contribution to the World Exposition is a 3,600 square metres pavilion made almost entirely of recycled paper. The first paper building in Germany is comprised of an arched lattice made of thick paper tubes which is covered with a layer of special fire-resistant, water-proof paper which allows light to pass through. Steel ropes support the construction and render a vaulted roof possible.

On the inside of the pavilion this second-largest industrialised nation in the world, as Japan is designated by the World Bank, deals with various environmental issues. In addition to an exposition on the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions there is also a reference to the theme of the World Exposition which will take place in the year 2005 in the Japanese city of Aichi: "Beyond Development: Rediscovering Nature's Wisdom." After the EXPO nearly every part of the pavilion will be recycled. For example, the paper tubes will be reused entirely.

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 Nation: Japan
 National Day: 25.07.00
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