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Islands in water - oases of tranquillity
Denmark's pavilion is reminiscent of islands with water lapping at their shores. The building, which is built into a pool, radiates an atmosphere of tranquillity and reflects the character of the country, which is shaped by water and nature. The visitors enter the main pavilion by means of a wooden deck. The pavilion is made of wood and glass and is the starting point of the guided tour. Wooden bridges over water lead to the three geometrically shaped buildings.

A projection room situated in a hemisphere shows films about wind energy, a field in which Denmark plays an international leading role. The subject of water is dealt with in the cube. The pyramid provides information about Danish food. Back in the main building, the visitors discover an exhibition entitled 'Creative playing', where information about Greenland is also available.

Idea for children and teenagers: Have you ever seen Lego-computers which can sweep, hoover, do the dishes or boil eggs? The building block robots can hammer on a type-writer as fast as a secretary and a Lego-elephant waters plants with its trunk. Two kids made entirely from Lego blocks play with their cars in the exhibition with the topic "Playing". A few steps on, the young visitors can fearlessly get close to a huge stuffed polar bear.


Danish specialities - to your heart's content

Copious Danish buffet (all you can eat)

Special price for children

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 Nation: Denmark
 National Day: 27.06.00
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