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Czech Republic
A chapel acts as a safe for the crown
Silence and darkness reign. Here and there a tiny circle of light illuminate details of a roof painting. Suddenly loud music flares up and the smell of incense permeates the entire room. Everything is flooded with light: you find yourself standing in the centre of the virtual Chapel of the Holy Crucifix in Karlstein Castle near Prague. In front of you lies a copy of the Holy Crucifix and the Czech crown of King Charles the Fourth.

It was in this country that under the Czech King Charles in the 14th century the cultural centre of Europe developed, known as Bohemia. King Charles founded the first university north of the Alps, engaged famous artists, musicians and scientists at his court, sponsored the bourgeoisie and thus economic development. He used the chapel as a treasure chamber for the royal insignia. It stands as a symbol of the cultural heritage of the Czech Republic.

In its pavilion this country presents the contrasts between the cultural heyday of Charles the Fourth's era and current themes such as communication, education, environment and development. Many contrasts are revealed yet both eras have one thing in common: then, as today, this country was a significant part of Europe.


Exquisite: classic Bohemian cooking

Old Bohemian beef stew with Karlsbad dumplings and bread dumplings
"Zidlochovice" venison steak with croquette potatoes and fruit
Selection of freshly smoked fish: trout, eel, mirror carp with fine dill sauce
Prague ham with apple horseradish, plum sauce, Czech mustard and potatoes

"Kolatschen", Moravian style

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 Nation: Czech Republic
 National Day: 07.06.00
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